Reasons Why Your Car's Paint is Starting to Fade

Natural elements can cause a lot of damage to our cars and your fading paint is unfortunately one of them. You should be aware of the potential threats to your car’s exterior because a readily available auto paint repair kit is typically only suitable for fixing scratches, not faded spots. If you have a ruined paint job, here are the reasons why your car’s paint is starting to fade so you can prevent it.

Ultraviolet Rays

It’s summer time and leaving your car out for too long in the heat can lead your car’s paint to fade because of the ultraviolent rays. The best way to avoid this is to park your car in a garage or find some shade. A car cover can also be a good alternative if you can’t find shade or a garage.


Another reason why your car paint is starting to fade is because it may be exposed to toxic chemicals in the air, which you can’t really escape. This often comes from factories and when you’re stuck in traffic for long periods of time. Bird droppings can also inflict damage onto your car and cause paint to fade.

Road Salt

Road salt tends to be a problem in the winter and nearly impossible to avoid. This is because a lot is used in the winter to melt icy roads. Salt, which is corrosive, can eventually cause your car’s exterior to oxidize and rust if not treated.

Your Aren’t Waxing or Washing

One of the main reasons why your car is probably suffering from faded paint is because you aren’t waxing or cleaning it. Pollution and rust-causing road salt can be avoided if you clean and wash your car regularly. Road and Travel says, “50 percent of car owners wash their cars less than once a month—and 16 percent never wash their cars.” Don’t be a part of the 16 percent—wash your car monthly and wax it every three to four months.